Summer 2015 LCS Awards

There were three awards given on PTL last split which were rookie of the split, coach of the split and mvp of the split. The following are who I believe should win each award and why! Bonus: Fantasy LCS awards

Rookie of the split NA & EU: GV Move & OG Niels


Kang “Move” Min-su has shown considerable strength for Gravity’s surprisingly strong summer split. After coming over from EDward Gaming’s academy team to replace the retiring Saintvicious, Move boasts a 75% win percentage with a 4.00 kda and a 71.5% kill participation. His nidalee has been considerably dominant, going 3 wins and 0 losses on her. He is 14/2/18 on her with a gaudy 16.00 kda. Move’s play has really let Hauntzer shine in the top lane and become one of the best top laners in the NA region.


Jesper “Niels” Svenningsen was a challenger talent that was recommended to xPeke when he was creating his challenger team to compete for an LCS spot by one of EU’s greatest adcs, Rekkles. In the promotion tournament, Niels led the star studded Origen in kills. With a strong showing in the Championship Series, many were wondering if the unproven challenger adc could perform on the big stage. Jesper responded by going off in the first week, 7/2/6 on Kalista and 7/0/8 on Vayne, earning him player of the week. He currently holds the second highest kda behind YellOwStaR, the fourth highest gpm and the most kills in the EU LCS. He has consistently shown superb positioning in team fight, he has the second least deaths among adcs who have played every game this split. Origen has emerged as one of the top tier EU teams and Niels is a centerpiece of their success.

Coach of the split NA & EU: GV Cop & FNC Deilor


Gravity currently sits at the top of the standings after a mid tier placing last split. The results speak for themselves, Cop and Gravity has delivered this split. There is no other coach or team that can boast such an incredible amount of improvement within the team and within the standings.


Fnatic has tore their way through Europe going 16-0 this split and looking dominant. Even in games they were down, they were able to rally together and pull off a convincing comeback. Some may argue that is more because of exceptional in game shotcalling and individual play but I dare you to find an EU coach with a better career record than Deilor and one that has better results than him this split.

MVP of the split NA & EU: TL FeniX & FNC YellOwStaR


The 1v4 azir quadra is probably the highlight of the split. After a split of hearing how godly FeniX was in scrims, he has finally been able to consistently show up. He has the tenth highest kda in NA, the second highest kda for midlaners, the sixth highest kill count, the second highest kill count for midlaners. FeniX’s rise in consistency this split has allowed Team Liquid to rise in the standings and be tied for second place with CLG and Team Impulse.


A year ago, Bora “YellOwStaR” Kim contemplated retirement after his entire Fnatic squad left the organization. Instead, he decided to gather a team around him and see if he could rebuild Fnatic’s glory. Now the team Bora has created sits number one in EU, 16-0 and has looked unstoppable this split. Even when Fnatic are down they are able to salvage the game throughout fantastic shotcalling and individual play. Fnatic’s main shotcaller is YellOwStaR so much of that credit falls to him. He holds EU’s highest kda with 15.4 and the most assists with 205. His assists total this split is 30 higher than the next highest being Mithy with 175. Many have wondered why YellOwStaR has only won one player of the week awards this split after such dominant play. It is because that dominant play has now become the norm for Bora and anything short of extraordinary is a disappointment for a player as great as him.

Fantasy Awards

MVP: DoubleLift & Rekkles

Biggest Sleeper: Hauntzer & Hjarnan

Comeback Players: DoubleLift & Rekkles

Biggest Bust: WildTurtle & FORG1VEN

Best Rookie: Ninja (Nien did not count as a rookie) & Niels

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